Private Collection Sales Famous Monsters of Filmland #237 Original Printers Proof

Famous Monsters of Filmland #237 Original Printers Proof

Famous Monsters of Filmland #237 Original Printers Proof

(Right-Click Image At left For Larger View)

1.00 lbs
Qty: Temporarily Out
of Stock.


Famous Monsters of Filmland #237 Original Printers Proof

This is the original printer proof sent to publisher for approval of FMOF #237.  Not bound. Much thicker than standard magazine.  This proof, from 2004, was made during the early days of digital press proofing. Actual print copies were run on a sheet-fed Heidleburg press but proof pages are printed on high gloss paper similar to the paper final issue but printed on a digital press.  Each plate of 8 pages was printed and glued  back to back, collated, folded and trimmed.  Images are much sharper than standard printing copies.  A unique collectors item.

Only 1 available.