New Items & Pre-Order Life Is But A Scream: Updated Second Edition Hard Cover W/BONUS VIDEOS

Life Is But A Scream: Updated Second Edition Hard Cover W/BONUS VIDEOS

Life Is But A Scream: Updated Second Edition  Hard Cover W/BONUS VIDEOS
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Life Is But A Scream!

Updated Second Edition 


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NOTICE:  We are sold out on the Paperback edition. A second run is planned for later this fall.  Paperback will NOT include DVD disk.


     The long-awaited followup to Ray Ferry's Beast-selling memoirs of his experiences in reviving Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine from the ranks of the undead. This updated second edition contains the same content from the first edition (published in 2000) and also provides an expanded epilogue that chronicles events that transpired between the end of 2000 until today. You'll learn what happened after the Ackerman v. Ferry sham court trial, read about Ferry's re-revival of Famous Monsters with issue #236 in 2004, the continued attempts to obtain justice for the corrupt legal actions that were taken, the publicaion of Ferry's final issue, FM #250, the creation of Freaky Monsters magazine and even the backstory story of the "Let's Have Fun!" Scrpabook..

     Whether you missed LIBAS the first time around, or you already have a copy, you'll want to read this incredible updated second edition to learn what happened after May, 2000 and why. You'll finally learn what was really going on behind the screams and why such a seemingly insignificant magazine trademark became the focus of an intense legal battle for control involving some high profile classic horror celebrities and big-money Hollywood business interests.  By condensing some material from the first edition and reformatting the text, this new updated 2nd edition provides a complete picture of what was going on and, for the first time, fans will come to understand what the "big deal" was, free from the myopic propaganda spread thick by the Inter-knat kool-aid crowd.


     Most fans who read the first edition of LIBAS reported they couldn't tear themselves away from the book once they started reading and many have read it several times. That's because LIBAS isn't just our story. If you're a fan of the Ghoulden age of horror and the glory days of Famous Monsters magazine, this is your story, too. What happened to Ray and Connie affected every fan of the magazine.  Ferry's candid narrative takes you right into the heart of the drama revealing how and why they never gave up the fight. LIBAS must have hit a nerve because some of Ferry's most vocal detractors are still denouncing it in reviews on Amazon 20 years after it's original release (while consistently maintaining they've never read it!)


Book includes a DVD with newly processed digitally enhanced versions of the 4 FMOF video documentaries chronicled in the book including (1) HOORAY FOR HORRORWOOD! (1990), (2) AMAZING WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY (1991), (3) THE 1993 FMOF WORLD CONVENTION SOUVENIR VIDEO, and (4) HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 1995 FMOF SON OF CON CONVENTION SATURDAY NIGHT STAGE SHOW---Never-Before-Released!

Autographs available at no charge.  Please specify recipient's name or generic. 


Size:  6" x 9" Trade

Pages  400


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1977 Vintage First Printing Crestwood House Monsters Books (Personal collection of Ray Ferry)
Famous Monsters of Filmland #245 Original Printers Proof
Freaky Monsters #27  FREE SHIPPING

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