New Items & Pre-Order Freaky Monsters #40

Freaky Monsters #40

Freaky Monsters #40

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Freaky Monsters #40

  • HYDE AND GO SHRIEK!  The ultimate portfolio of super-rare and never-before-published key-book stills from the 1931 classic.
  • FREAKY FLASHBACKS! Re-presenting some monstrous moments from our prime time past.
  • MORE A.I. HORROR ART!  New, novel AI created classic horror art.
  • Plus Gallery of Ghouls, Myst-Eerie Foto, Rare Treats and more.


PLEASE NOTE:  Due to newest increases in USPS rates, we are no longer including postage in our prices.  However, we do combine shipping on multiple items to provide the lowest possible mailing rates based on weight. For example, shipping on 1 magazine is $5.45.  Cost to ship 2 magazines is only $6.45.

Pre-Order Now and you'll get:

  • New uncirculated issue Bagged and Boarded
  • Free Genuine Wax Pax Freaky Monsters Bonus Collector Cards
  • Shipping in unbendable cardboard flat w/ tracking number

If you like Classic monster movies, you'll LOVE Freaky Monsters!

Maybe not the biggest but still, the best classic horror, sci-fi and fantasy film fan magazine in the world!

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1965 Vintage First Printing KING KONG Paperback Pocket Book (Personal collection of Ray Ferry)
Famous Monsters of Filmland #237 Original Printers Proof
Freaky Monsters #07 (Original First Run Copy)

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